Andorra, a Shopping Paradise
Andorra is a very small country bordering France and Spain well known for its shopping visitors. I loved it because of the nature around especially the mountains. One big realization after visiting here is that it is not really a duty free region for all items being sold. It is better to cross check multiple resources and apply common sense for electronic goods before buying as they might be of not great quality and not worth of even if they offer a good price.

Here is one 360 degree view in the locality where there is plenty of facilities for a stay. Please scroll below for more such photographs.
One shop that stood out to us was Safari Master, which my son and I found particularly interesting. Although I couldn’t take a photo of the interior due to the presence of realistic-looking toy guns, the store offers many unique gadgets and toys not commonly found in regular supermarkets.
Here is one 360 degree view in the locality where there is plenty of facilities for a stay. Please scroll below for more such photographs.
One shop that stood out to us was Safari Master, which my son and I found particularly interesting. Although I couldn’t take a photo of the interior due to the presence of realistic-looking toy guns, the store offers many unique gadgets and toys not commonly found in regular supermarkets.
We also had a wonderful experience with the officials at the Office of Tourism, who were very human and friendly—thank you! This office is located near Pas de la Casa, which serves as a gateway into Andorra.